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Hello! Welcome to the official website of Epsilon Technology
Service Support





Service Support

Flow Description:

1. If the product fails during use or the user has questions when debugging the product parameters, the user can call the Epsilon service hotline (0755-84190900) for service;

2. Customers need to provide the following information when applying for repair: on-site contact name, contact information, machine model, serial number, fault phenomenon;

3. After the service engineer receives the customer's fault report call, he will guide the user through telephone communication and give a troubleshooting plan;

4. If the problem is not solved by telephone communication, according to the situation of the faulty machine, arrange an engineer to provide on-site service or notify the customer to send it to the designated maintenance point for maintenance;

5. No matter what way of service, the ultimate goal is to help customers solve problems before the service is completed.

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